Your Digital Movie Pass
The Secret Collector's Edition is a HD Remastered version of the original Secret Documentary. You will have access to this site for up to xx days after your purchase of the Secret Collector's Edition has shipped. You may view any of the videos on this site for up to a total of 420 minutes, which is equivalent to watching The SecretTen Secret Insights and the Great Minds Trailer four times. You may watch this film in any of the languages that you select via the "Languages" link in the Menu.


Film Synopsis
This ground-breaking feature length film reveals the greatest Secret of the universe. It has been passed throughout the ages, traveling through centuries to reach you. This is The Secret to everything - the secret to unlimited joy, health, money, relationships, love, youth… everything you have ever wanted. In this astonishing film are all the resources you need to understand and live The Secret.  For the first time in history, the world's leading scientists, authors and philosophers reveal The Secret that utterly transformed the lives of every person who ever knew it... Plato, Newton, Carnegie, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Einstein. Now YOU will know The Secret. And it can change your life forever.


For more information about the Secret and related products, please visit The Secret Website.